What's New

After Imogen's guinea pig died she got a new one called Pippin. He is only 8 weeks old and he is very shy. He is quite small and he has a black head, a white collar and a brown body. He is very fluffy and cute! Imogen spends lot's of time with him, since her bunny rabbit is a bit of a bully.

The new arrivals are only the guinea pigs from people I know I'm afraid. But still, it could help you know what your dream guinea pig is!
Also, i'm very sorry about the poor photography. My camera isn't the best.

Breeding guinea pigs is not hard at all. It's only hard when you can't find any one to keep the babies!
Once your two guinea pigs have mated, your female will be pregnant for around 60 days (two months). You will have to keep the two guinea pigs separate, otherwise when the babies are born, the dad might fight. The litter will be about 3 - 4 babies. The babies can leave there mum when they are seven weeks old.

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