Who We Are

I am Catrin Vincent, aged 9 from England. I have three guinea pigs myself. One of my guinea pigs has been through an experience and survived with great confidence. He has inspired me to make this website, and make sure guinea pigs get the best of life. After all, guinea pigs are living beings.


Silver Streak / Patch

This is a story of a guinea Pig who was an only child, torn from his parents and his best buddy died. It is touching in a way.
Silver Patch was born in the Busby guinea pig family. His parents were Caramac and Silver Pig. We were expecting three or four guinea pigs, but Silvey was the only one. We visited him lots of times, and at first he was scared. We thought he was a girl but soon found out he was a boy. He loved his mum very much and it was sad to see him be torn from her very quickly. The Busby's, very kindly bought us a guinea pig called Capucchino. We named Silvey, Silver Streak Silver Patch Vincent, but I call him Silvey or Silver Patch. He loves me very much and so do I.
One holiday, we came back and we found Cappucchino had an eye infection. They did an operation to take out his eye but already the infection had spread. They had to put him down. Silvey was very sad. We tried Silvey with other Guinea Pigs, but it was no use. Then, we had an idear! Why not put Silvey with a girl? Sure, we would have babies but we didn't mind.
Snowhite and Silvey had three baby guinea pigs on the first of July.
Then, Silvey had to have an operation so they couldn't produce babies anymore. Silvey hated it. The two male babies we named Hercules and Snowdrop, so that we could call them by a name, but then they were renamed Tufty and Buttons in their new home. Now Silvey is three years old, living happily with his family.
Silvey is a grey guinea pig who has a white streak on his nose. He takes after his father, Silver Pig.

The Busby family

The Busby guinea pig family started when the owners bought two guinea pigs of different sex. Caramac and Silver Pig were the starters of twelve guinea pigs.

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